Come see the Gardens of Gildenon, nestled in the outer region of the Orion Arm. These gardens were build by the Urulians, as a place for their cosmic spirits to wander and mingle.
The video tour lasts approximately 10 minutes, and is part of a 30 minute appointment, leaving time for viewing other offerings in the outpost.
Price: $5 per person. Pay at time of tour, via credit card.
Price for tour can be applied to any store purchase!
Please send an email with the number of people to attend, 1-4, and preferred date(s) & times, and I will get back to you shortly. 4 people max per appointment. Store is bookable Tuesday through Saturday, 12-5pm. Please specify GOG tour in the message.
Tour Information
All customers are required to wear a mask, per S.F. Health Dept. requirements. Please be free of fever and not experiencing coughing. Temperature is taken at door for safety. Hand sanitizer is available and required before touching merchandise. Store has a very high ceiling, and a floor circulating fan keeps the air moving inside.
Please look over our inventory on this website to be familiar with what we currently have to offer. Consider doing a fitting of your preferred selection(s) to see how a product looks and feels on your wrist.
Store Location
We are located at 909 Sutter St. San Francisco, in the Lower Nob Hill Neighborhood Cross street Leavenworth, Blue Planet, Orion Arm, Milky Way Galaxy
You can also make an appointment without viewing the Gardens of Gildenon at no charge. Please use Home Page for this purpose.